Schoenemans' Lumber
305 E. 8th Street
Was the old Schoeneman's Lumber yard haunted by a hammer-wielding spirit?
In 2012 Jason encountered a spirit at the former downtown location of Schoeneman's.
In 2012 Jason encountered a spirit at the former downtown location of Schoeneman's.

I used to live downtown. One Sunday morning I was walking by the Schoeneman lumber yard. I slipped through the gate in back to look around the old sheds. I swear I heard someone hammer, I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I saw someone walk by me. He was dressed in what looked like old fashioned suit and had a mustashe. He nodded at me. When I turned back, he was gone.
Jason is looking for a photo to compare to the spirit he met, maybe one of the Schoeneman brothers. If you come across any images to share, let me know.
Jason is looking for a photo to compare to the spirit he met, maybe one of the Schoeneman brothers. If you come across any images to share, let me know.
I wonder. If the spirit had lingered, would he have helped Jason complete a lumber purchase or perhaps help him build a coffin?